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要旨 腸上皮化生のない胃底腺粘膜に発生した分化型癌の2例を経験した.〔症例1〕の患者は59歳,男性.穹窿部大彎後壁の2.8×2.5cm大の腫瘍で,決潰や潰瘍は形成せずに粘膜下腫瘍様の発育を呈して深部に浸潤し,深達度はseであった.組織学的には胃型の分化型癌であった.〔症例2〕の患者は40歳,女性.胃体上部大彎後壁の3.2×2.6cm大の腫瘍で,Ⅱc様の形態を示し,潰瘍形成はなかったが,結節様隆起部で粘膜下層深部へ浸潤していた.やはり,組織学的には胃型の分化型癌であった.以上,当施設の2例をみるかぎり,臨床的には決潰,潰瘍を形成せずに深部浸潤すること,組織学的には胃型の分化型腺癌であることが特徴的であった.
Two cases of differentiated adenocarcinoma in the fundic gland area were reported. Case1: A 59-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for close examination and operation for gastric cancer. Roentogenographic and endoscopic examination revealed a protruded gastric cancer similar to a submucosal tumor at the greater curvature of the fornix. It infiltrated as far as the serosa but it was not associated with collapse or ulceration. Histologically, it was gastric type differentiated adenocarcinoma. Case 2: A 40-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for an operation for gastric cancer. Roentogenographic and endoscopic examination showed Ⅱc-like a depressed type gastric cancer at the greater curvature of the upper body. It had infiltrated to the submucosal layer without causing collapse or ulceration. Histologically, it also was a gastric type differentiated adenocarcinoma.
The clinical characteristic of differentiated adenocarcinoma in the fundic gland area was deep infiltration without collapse or ulceration. Histologically, differentiated adenocarcinoma in the fundic gland area was characteristically gastric type cancer.

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