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要旨 腹部症状で発症し,胃・回盲部に主病変を認めたが,胸部・腹部のリンパ節腫大があり,病期分類ではⅥB期であった.胃病変は佐野らの分類で表層拡大型と考えられ,良好な治癒成績により,MALTリンパ腫も考えたが,CT・臨床症状から粘膜関連リンパ組織由来のB細胞性リンパ腫の可能性もある.胃・回盲部に病変の存在することから,全身症状に拡がったリンパ腫の可能性を否定できなかった.化学療法(VEPA)によりCR(著効)になり,治療後3年間再発を認めない.
A 68-year-old female complaining of epigastralgia visited our hospital for further examination. A superficial spread-out type of gastric lymphoma and tumor of the ileocecal area were detected by double contrast method and endoscopy. Enlargement of lymph nodes in the abdomen and lung were detected by CT examination. Three cools by VEPA treatment were administered to her. Neither gastric lesion, colonic lesion nor enlargement of lymph node were detected by the examinations which were made. She has had no recurrence of malignant lymphoma in the three years since the therapy.

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