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要旨 患者は87歳,女性.貧血,めまいを主訴に来院.胃角部前壁,6cm大の2型進行胃癌(中分化型腺癌)であった.腹部CTで胃小彎のリンパ節の腫大を認めT2(SS)N1,Stage IIと診断.告知後,本人の手術拒否のため,十分なインフォームドコンセントの後,TS-1:80mg/day,4週間投与,2週間休薬/1クールを開始した.1クール終了後の上部消化管内視鏡検査では病変は瘢痕化し生検では癌細胞は認めなかった.またCT上小彎のリンパ節も消失しておりCRと評価した.有害事象は手足の皮膚色素沈着のみで,現在まで3年4か月再発を認めていない.
An 87-year-old female patient with advanced gastric carcinoma type 2 and lymph node metastasis was treated by TS-1 chemotherapy. One course consisted of TS-1 (80mg/day) administered for 28 days followed by 14 days rest. After one course, endoscopic examination revealed complete disappearance of the primary tumor with cancer cells detected by endoscopic biopsy. CT-scan showed that the metastasis to the lymph node had disappeared. The primary and metastatic lesions were regarded to have responded completely. 23 courses of chemotherapy were undergone. The patient has survived for 3 years. The TS-1 chemotherapy is considered effective for carcinoma of the stomach with lymph node metastasis.

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