

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A New Macroscopic Classification of Gastric Cancer: From Pathological Stand Point Shingo Ishiguro 1 , Naoko Tsuji 1 , Toshiyuki Terao 1 , Ryuhei Tateishi 1 , Yoshimi Yamaguchi 1 1Department of Pathology, The Center for Adult Disases Keyword: 胃癌 , 肉眼分類 , 早期癌 , 早期癌類似進行癌 , 進行癌 pp.39-46
Published Date 1995/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105288
  • Abstract
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 We discuss a new macroscopic classification of gastric cancer and compare it with the former one.

 The new macroscopic classification separates the tumors into five types: type 0 for superficial tumors, type 1 for protruded tumors, type 2 for ulcerative and localized tumors, type 3 for ulcerative and infiltrative tumors, type 4 for diffusely infiltrative tumors and type 5 for miscellaneous tumors. There are two major revised points, one is that the new classification is made solely on the basis of macroscopic features. The other is that the classification is made three times based on the clinical, surgical and the final pathological findings. Practically, type 1~4, type Ⅱa, type Ⅲ and so-called early gastric cancer like advernced cancer of the former classification were easily able to be fitted into new classification, but type Ⅰ early gastric cancer and advanced cancer like early cancer of the former classification were difficult to fit into the new classification. The new classification is a suitable one that can represent almost all macrosopic types of gastric cancer. We feel that, among pathologists, this new classification will prevail in the near feature among pathologists.

Copyright © 1995, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


