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要旨 digital radiography(DR)は従来のX線フィルム-増感紙による撮影系(CFSS)に比べると多くの機能を有しており,消化管の中でも特に検査が難しい早期食道癌の造影にはこれらの機能が役に立つ.リアルタイムの画像表示は,病変の存在,性状や周在性などが検査中に確認できるので描出能が向上し,撮影の失敗も激減する.連続撮影によって撮影のタイミングを逸することがなくなり,伸展度や造影剤の付着が異なった画像が簡単に撮影できるようになる.被曝線量の軽減も利点の1つであり,撮影時間を短縮できるのでブレが少なくなる.更に,画像処理することによって病変の描出性が向上する.今後,課題である空間分解能やダイナミックレンジ,ノイズなどの問題が解決されれば,DRは早期食道癌のX線診断に新しい展開をもたらすと考えられる.
Digital radiography (DR) has many additional functions compared to the conventional film with intensifying screen system (CFSS) and is superior to CFSS especially in detecting early esophageal cancer that is difficult to find in the field of alimentary tract radiographic examinations. First of all, real time visualization enables us to observe a lesion, its nature and surround area during examination, and contributes to improved detectability and decreased failure rate. Continuous photographing helps to take pictures without loosing best timing of photographing and with various wall expansion and attachment of contrast medium. Moreover, the amount of radiation may be reduced and image may be sharper with shorter exposure time. And image processing increases detectability of the lesions. In the future, when the problems of the DR such as three dimensional resolving power, dynamic range and noise are improved, DR may develop new radiologic diagnosis of the early esophageal cancer.

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