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Gastroduodenal Ulcers after Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy for Metastatic Liver Cancer, Report of Three Cases Ken Shimada 1 , Yoshitaka Kimura 1 , Takahiko Kouda 1 , Masatoshi Nakamachi 1 , Yusuke Ishikawa 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Showa University Toyosu Hospital Keyword: 肝動注リザーバー , 抗癌剤 , 胃十二指腸潰瘍 pp.1179-1183
Published Date 2000/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104849
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 〔Case 1〕 A 41-year-old man underwent left half colectomy and hepatectomy for colonic cancer and liver metastasis. Six months after the operation, abdominal CT revealed metastatic lesions in the liver. At first, he had received systemic chemotherapy for eight months. However, the tumor increased in size. Fourteen months after the operation, a hepatic arterial infusion port was implanted.Three cycles of intrahepatic arterial chemoembolization using degradable starch microspheres and mitomycin C were performed. It caused a hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer. Eight weeks after the treatment with a proton pump inhibitor, follow-up endoscopy revealed the H1 stage ulcer in the descending duodenum.

 〔Case 2〕 A 56-year-old woman underwent right half colectomy, so a hepatic arterial infusion port was implanted for cecal cancer and liver metastasis. Four cycles of intrahepatic arterial chemoembolization using degradable starch microspheres and mitomycin C were performed. After this therapy, one cycle of intrahepatic arterial chemotherapy using 5-FU and cisplatin was administered. It caused A2 stage ulcer in the descending duodenum.

 〔Case 3〕 A 58-year-old man underwent right half colectomy and hepatectomy. A hepatic arterial infusion port was implanted for cecal cancer and liver metastasis. Three cycles of intrahepatic arterial chemotherapy using 5-FU, cisplatin and mitomycin C were performed. It caused A1 stage ulcer in the posterior wall of the antrum. Six weeks after the treatment with proton pump inhibitor, follow-up endoscopy revealed the H2 stage ulcer in the posterior wall of the antrum.

Copyright © 2000, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


