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要旨 患者は55歳,女性.主訴は下痢.子宮頸癌に対し,第3腰椎の高さの大動脈内に留置したカテーテルよりcisplatin(CDDP)と5-fluorouracil(5-FU)の持続動注療法後97日目より下痢が出現した.5-FUの総投与量は10.75gであった.大腸内視鏡検査および臨床経過より,5-FUに起因する大腸炎と診断した。絶食,中心静脈栄養,抗生剤投与を行ったが難治性で大腸炎は軽快せず,横行結腸に人工肛門を造設し,下痢は改善した.5-FUの持続動注療法中に下痢を認めた場合には,大腸炎の発症に留意する必要があると考えられる.
A case of a 55-year-old female with uterine cervical cancer. She was treated with intraarterial infusion consisting of cisplatin and continuous 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). The catheter was inserted into the abdominal aorta at about the level of the third lumbar. Ninty seven days after the start of chemotherapy, severe watery diarrhea occurred. The total dose of 5-FU was 10.75 g. The diarrhea was diagnosed as 5-FU induced colitis from the findings of colonoscopy and the clinical course. She improved in about 2.5 months with the discontinuation of intraarterial infusion, fasting, parenteral hyperalimentation, antibiotics and colostomy. 5-FU induced colitis is inveterate, and should be taken into consideration as a side-effect of intraarterial continuous infusion of 5-FU.

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