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要旨 Heliobacter pylori(H. pylori)を除菌した147例の胃・十二指腸潰瘍患者の再発につき検討した.経過観察期間は平均24か月(6~55か月)で,H. pyloriの再陽性化とNSAIDs潰瘍を除いたH. pylori持続陰性非NSAIDsの再発は5.4%(8/147)であった.除菌後から再発までの平均期間は2.6か月で,そのほとんどが1か月以内の再発であり,10か月以降の再発はみられなかった.すなわち,除菌後およそ1年以降の潰瘍再発は極めてまれで,除菌により長期間,潰瘍の再発が抑制されることが明らかとなり,H. pylori除菌の重要性が確認された.しかし,除菌後早期に潰瘍の再発が起こる機序は明らかでなく,今後の解明が待たれる.
We examined endoscopically duodenal and/or gastric ulcer relapse in 147 patients (94M/53F, mean age 52 yr) after Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication. The mean follow-up period was 24 months (6~55 months). The H. pylori recurrence rate was 2% (1%/year). The total ulcer relapse rate was 8.8% (13/147). When relapse cases associated with NSAIDs and reinfection of H. pylori were excluded for analysis, the relapse rate was 5.4%. All duodenal and gastric ulcers relapsed between 1 to 9 months (mean 2.6 months) after eradication, while no relapse was found after one year of eradication. It is still unknown why duodenal and gastric ulcers frequently relapse within a short period after eradication.

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