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要旨 クリプトスポリジウム症はヒトや動物に下痢を起こす原虫疾患であり,新興感染症として最近注目されている.本稿では,動物に接することにより感染したと思われる健常人孤発例を報告し,本症の疫学と診断法について簡単に述べた.本症の確定診断である便中オーシストの検出法は,特殊な検査ではあるが極めて簡便であり,水様性下痢を診た場合には積極的に試みることが集団感染の早期診断および二次感染予防のため重要である.
A case of cryptosporidiosis occurring in a healthy Japanese man was reported, and brief comments on epidemiology and laboratory methods to cope with the disease were made. The detection of oocysts of Cryptosporidium in the patients' stool, the main method for the diagnosis of the disease, should be carried out in every patient with watery diarrhea of unknown etiology. Though cryptosporidiosis is not so well known in this country, there have already been two major outbreaks in Japan with more than 9,000 people infected in one of them.

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