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要旨 胃GISTリンパ節転移例6例を提示した.胃GISTのリンパ節転移の頻度は,5.8%(6/103),高悪性度GISTで,8.7%(6/69)の頻度であった.転移例はいずれも腫瘍径5cm以上で,5cm以上の腫瘍でみると,9.8%(6/61)の頻度であった.転移様式には真のリンパ節転移と脈管侵襲の二通りがあり,真のリンパ節転移3例のうち1例が長期生存していた.胃GISTでは,胃癌に準じた郭清は必要ないが,腫瘍径が5cmを超える場合は,腫瘍近傍の郭清を伴う手術が望ましい.リンパ節転移例を解析した報告はいまだ少なく,郭清効果は今後の検討課題と考える.
Six cases of stomach GIST with lymph node metastasis were studied, The frequency of lymph node metastasis was 5.8% (6/103) totally and 8.7% (6/69) in high grade GIST. The diameter of the GISTs with lymph node metastasis was more than 5 cm. Two styles of metastasis could be observed, one was true and the other was through vessel involvement. One of our patients with true lymph node metastasis survived for more than 5 years. In stomach GIST, lymph dissection following stomach cancer is unnecessary, but it is desirable to perform an operation for resection of the area neighboring the site of the resected GIST, when the tumor exceeds 5 cms in size. There are a few cases of lymph node metastasis now, and the benefit of lymph node dissection as a future precaution meeds further study.

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