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要旨 患者は32歳,男性.22歳時,スポーツ中,腹部に打撲を受け,下血を自覚した.その後ときどき下腹部痛を認め,症状の増悪のため当院を受診した.注腸X線検査では上行結腸の全周性の狭小化と腸管周囲に淡い石灰化像を認め,大腸内視鏡にて,軟らかい暗紫色の静脈瘤様隆起を認めた.手術を施行し,上行結腸のびまん性海綿状血管腫と診断した.びまん性大腸血管腫は直腸~S状結腸に多く認められるが,上行結腸に存在するものはまれであった.
A 32-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of right lower abdominal pain. When the patient was 22 years old, he had suffered rectal bleeding after abdominal injury. Barium enema demonstrated diffuse narrowing of the ascending colon with tiny phleboliths, and colonoscopy showed thickended colonic wall with a dark bluish color mimicking varices. Right hemicolectomy was performed and a diffuse cavernous hemangioma 12 cm in size was removed from the ascending colon and indentified pathologically. Diffuse cavernous hemangioma have been reported mainly as existing in the recto-sigmoid colon. So we presume that our case is very rare.
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