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要旨 癌としての内視鏡所見に乏しい病変で生検により癌と正診された陥凹型胃癌155症例の特徴を占拠部位別,組織型別,内視鏡所見別に検討した.占拠部位別では前庭部に39%,胃体部に28%,胃角部に18%,分水嶺上に9%,噴門部に6%存在した.組織型では分化型癌が83%を占めていた.形態的には胃炎型36%,Ⅱc疑い35%,潰瘍29%で特徴的な内視鏡所見は得られなかった.今回検討した中から代表的と思われる症例を呈示した.
One hundred fifty five cases of the biopsy-proved depressed type gastric cancer without typical endoscopic findings were analyzed from the macroscopic, histological and endoscopic viewpoints. The location of the lesions was as follows: the antrum 39%, the body 28%, the angulus 18%, watershed areas 9%, and the cardiac region 6%. Histologically, most of the cases (83%) were classified as the differentiated cancer. Macroscopically, 36% of the lesions was a lesion mimicking gastritis, 35% was the type Ⅱc suspected lesion and 29% was a lesion mimicking benign ulcer, therefore, no specific endoscopic findings were found in this study. Typical cases were presented in this article.

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