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要旨 リンパ節転移陽性であった胃粘膜内癌の特徴を臨床的立場から検討した.胃粘膜内癌の390症例中7症例(1.8%)にリンパ節転移が認められた.年齢は平均53.9歳,男女比は3:4であり,癌病変の占拠部位はU領域0病変,M領域6病変,L領域1病変であった.病変の大きさは平均4.3cmで病変の肉眼型はすべて陥凹主体であった.病理組織学的検索では7病変中6病変が未分化型癌であり,潰瘍(瘢痕)の合併は生検後に出現した小潰瘍の症例を除いた6病変に認められた.潰瘍(瘢痕)の深さはUL-II,UL-III,UL-IVがそれぞれ3病変,1病変,2病変であった.粘膜内癌でリンパ節転移を伴う症例は癌病巣が粘膜筋板と接しているか,もしくは潰瘍(瘢痕)を伴う病変であった.内視鏡像における病変の色調は,発赤主体が2病変,褪色主体が4病変,正色調主体が1病変であった.X線像で病変の境界がほぼ全周性に追えるものは2病変,半周以上であるが全周性には追えないものは4病変,半周未満しか追えないものが1病変であった.陥凹が浅く境界不明瞭な病変やIIb様の所見を随伴した病変も存在した.病変内に存在するUL-IIの潰瘍瘢痕は治療前に指摘困難な場合があり,特に空気量が多い場合にはひだ集中はみられず病変内の凹凸も軽度であった.以上のように,リンパ節転移陽性の胃粘膜内癌のほとんどは潰瘍(瘢痕)を伴った未分化型癌であるが,必ずしも画像所見が華々しいわけでなく,境界が不明瞭な病変も存在した.
The characteristics of intramucosal gastric cancer positive for metastases to the lymph nodes were investigated from a clinical viewpoint. Lymphatic metastases were found in 7 of 390 cases of intramucosal gastric cancer (1.8%). The mean age of patients was 53.9 and the ratio of men to women was 3 : 4. Lesion sites were U region in no cases, M region in six cases, and L region in one case. The mean lesion size was 4.3cm. The main macroscopic type of the lesions was depressed one in all cases. Histopathologically, six of the seven lesions were undifferentiated cancers. Six lesions showed complications of ulceration (scarring). On preoperative radiograms, the borders of the lesions could be seen almost around the whole circumference in two cases, round half or more of the circumference but not all round in four cases, and around less than half the circumference in one case. It was difficult to detect the presence of ulcer scars of UL-II in the lesions before treatment in some cases. Most intramucosal gastric cancers with metastases to lymph nodes were undifferentiated cancers with ulcers, including some lesions with unclear borders.

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