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要旨 現状の胃集検において間接X線ではどのような癌を拾い上げ,またどのような癌を見落としているかについて,集団検診受診者の中から無作為に選び出した50歳以上の男女17,976人(以下地域集検群と呼ぶ)に対する細径パンエンドスコープでの診断をコントロールとして,間接X線の胃癌診断の精度について検討した.①細径パンエンドスコープでの診断を100%として,間接での進行癌の示現率は93%で,前壁と胃上部の早期癌類似型を除けば,ほぼ良好に描出されていた.①間接での早期癌全体の示現率は39%で,隆起型の示現率は46%,陥凹型は36%であった.部位では前壁と胃上部の病変,および2cm以下の病変の示現率が低かった.①細径パンエンドスコープによる地域集検群からの胃癌発見率は,50歳以上の男性で2.03%(早期癌1.43%),女性で1.05%(早期癌0.80%),胃集検全国集計の胃癌発見率は精検受診者受検率100%に補正して,男性で0.47%(早期癌0.23%),女性で0.15%(早期癌0.07%)で,間接X線で発見しえない癌,特に早期癌が地域集検群中にかなり存在していることになる.
The currently employed indirect x-ray examination was evaluated by determining what kind of cancer was detected or elusive among 17,976 randomly selected gastric mass survey participants, aged 50 years or older, who underwent small diameter panendoscopic examination.
1) 93% of advanced gastric cancer cases detected by small diameter panendoscopy, which had also been detected by indirect x-ray examination. Thus, indirect x-ray examination was concluded extremely effective, especially when early-like advanced cancers on the anterior wall or in the high position were excluded.
2) 39% of early cancer cases were detected by indirect x-ray examination, with 44% for elevated type and 36% for depressed type. Early cancers of the anterior wall or in the high position, and those less than 2 cm in diameter tended to be elusive by indirect x-ray examination.
3) Small diameter panendoscopy successfully detected gastric cancer among healthy people aged 50 years or older, with 2.03% (1.43% for early cancer) for men and 1.05% (0.8% for early cancer) for women. When visit rate for further examination was assumed to be 100%, nationwide gastric cancer detection rate was calculated to be 0.47% (0.23% for early cancer) for men and 0.15% (0.07% for early cancer) for women, indicating that significant number of seemingly healthy individuals had in fact early cancer which could not be detected by indirect x-ray examination.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.