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要旨 大腸IIc病変の組織学的定義は,絶対陥凹(周辺正常粘膜の高さより低い陥凹)の浅い陥凹性腫瘍(adenoma,carcinoma)であり,相対陥凹(周辺正常粘膜の高さより高い陥凹)の浅い陥凹性腫瘍(adenoma,carcinoma)と区別する必要がある.内視鏡的には絶対陥凹と推測される境界明瞭な陥凹を有していればIIcまたはIIc+IIa,相対陥凹と推測される陥凹を有していればIIa+IIc病変と表記するのが一般的である.
The colonic IIc is histologically defined as a superficially but absolutely depressed type neoplastic lesion of cancer or adenoma, and the depressed lesional floor is lower than the surrounding intact mucosal surface.
It is required to differentiate it from the lesion of relative depression which histologically shows the depressed lesional bed being higher than the surrounding normal mucosal surface.
When the colonic lesion is endoscopically suspected to have well-demarcated absolute depression, it is denoted as IIc or IIc+IIa. When suspected to be relative depression, it is denoted as IIa+IIc.

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