

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Mucinous Adenocarcinoma in the Sigmoid Colon, which was Difficult to Differentiate from the Adenoma with Pseudoinvasion, Report of a Case Jiro Watari 1,2 , Tadakazu Shimoda 3 , Ryu Sato 1 , Shigeaki Maeda 1 , Sin Kashima 4 , Mikihiro Fujiya 4 , Yusuke Saitoh 5 1Department of Gastroenterology, Kushiro Medical Association Hospital, Kushiro, Japan 2Division of Upper Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan 3Center for Cancer Control and Information Service, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo 4Division of Gastroenterology and Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College, Asahikawa, Japan 5Digestive Disease Center, Asahikawa City Hospital, Asahikawa, Japan Keyword: 大腸 , 粘液癌 , 偽浸潤 pp.1922-1932
Published Date 2009/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101808
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 A male in his 50's underwent colonoscopy for screening purposes. A polypoid lesion mimicking a submucosal tumor was identified in the sigmoid colon. The tumor was soft and presented a neoplastic lesion with IIIL pit pattern at the top of the lesion. Magnified narrow band imaging showed a clear, thick and dense vascular pattern on the surface, but did not reveal any invasive findings. Barium enema also showed no invasive findings, whereas inavasion into the proper muscle layer as a cystic mass was identified by endoscopic ultrasonography. We diagnosed this lesion as an adenoma with pseudoinvasion because the biopsy specimen obtained from the neoplastic lesion on the top of the lesion was judged histologically to be a low grade adenoma. We could not deny that a mucinous adenocarcinoma may have infiltrated into the proper muscle layer, so we performed a sigmoidectomy. Histology revealed that atypical cells with low nuclear atypicality formed the mucinous component invading the muscularis propria. Although Ki-67 labeling index was 29.1%, which is similar to that of adenoma, the positive cells were distributed throughout all the neoplastic glands of the mucosa without a preferential distribution as found in adenoma. p53 positive cells were also scattered throughout the invaded area. From the above, the lesion was histologically diagnosed as a mucinous adenocarcinoma composed of low grade adenocarcinoma of goblet cell type, with invasion into the muscularis propria. There was no evidence of lymphatic/venous infiltration or lymph node metastasis.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


