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要旨 胃癌に対する化学療法は,近年飛躍的に進歩してきている.化学療法の効果判定はRECISTガイドラインが汎用されているが,胃癌大国の日本では胃癌原発巣の効果判定も重要であり,「胃癌取扱い規約」において胃癌原発巣のX線効果判定方法は確立されている.RECISTガイドラインでは胃癌原発巣は非評価病変となるが,日本におけるX線診断技術は世界でもトップクラスであり,今後も継承しつつ世界的に通用する基準へと発展させることが重要である.
Chemotherapy for gastric cancer has advanced dramatically in recent years. The RECIST guideline is widely used for evaluating chemotherapy, but in Japan where gastric cancer is more common than in other countries, evaluation of primary gastric lesions is important, and X-ray evaluation methods for primary gastric cancer lesions have been established by the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma. Although primary gastric lesions are classified as non-target lesions in the RECIST guideline, the Japanese X-ray diagnostic technique, which is the foremost in its class worldwide, emphasizes the importance of accurately assessing primary gastric lesions. This approach has led to the Japanese technique becoming a world-class standard.

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