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要旨 2009年1月,世界共通の効果判定規準であるRECIST(Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors)がversion 1.1に改訂された.RECISTの目的は,異なる第II相試験における奏効割合の比較可能性を高め,有効でない治療レジメンを第III相試験へ進めてしまう間違った意思決定を防ぐことにある.そのため,共通の効果判定規準では,観察値が真値に近いことよりも,バラツキが小さいことが,比較可能性のうえで重視される.RECISTが適用できずに他の規準を用いる場合にも,ランダム化,マスキング,第三者評価といった比較可能性を高める工夫が必要である.
The Revised Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors(RECIST version 1.1)was released in January, 2009. The aim of RECIST is to enhance the comparability of different phase II trials and to prevent ineffective treatment from proceeding to the phase III trial. Therefore, minimizing the variability of the response rate(i.e. precision)in each phase II study is more important in terms of comparability than the closeness to the true value of the response rate(i.e. accuracy). Even when RECIST is inapplicable, additional measures to enhance the comparability such as randomization, masking and independent review are available.

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