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要旨 早期胃癌の外科的手術と内視鏡的治療の治療法選択の臨床的な考え方を述べた.近年の治療法はEMRからESDへの内視鏡的治療の開発と腹腔鏡補助下幽門側胃切除術などの外科的治療法の変化により低侵襲な治療がもたらされている.内視鏡的治療選択へのステップとして ① 組織型が分化型であること, ② 深達度を決めること,が挙げられる.分化型癌については,まず,大きさより深達度が重要で,形態診断によりMの癌を適応とし,SM2の癌では外科的手術を選択する.次にM癌の大きさを決め,技術的にまた部位的に内視鏡的治療が可能かどうかを判定する.表層拡大型や噴門部にあるものなどは外科的手術が必要となる.内視鏡的治療では一括切除が原則で,EMRでは小さい癌に限定されるため,ESDが一般的に選択されることが多い.新しい治療法の場合,パターナリズムにより治療法が選択されることがないようインフォームドコンセントの重要性を強調した.
In recent years, the choice of therapeutic methods for early gastric carcinoma have had a tendency to be the less invasive ones. The new modalities such as endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR)and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)were developed and made it possible to do radical therapy for early gastric cancers which ones would have been treated with surgical resection.
Viewed from the standpoint of quality of life, EMR and ESD brought good news to patients because they would have been recommended to undergo surgical operation until 20 years ago. Nowadays, it is a very important decision for clinical doctors to choose between surgical operation and endoscopic resection, for early gastric cancer. At first, the degree of cancerous invasion should be diagnosed using the morphological approach, X-ray and endoscopy. The indication of EMR and ESD has been strictly decided for differentiated types of cancer, with cancerous invasion limited to the gastric mucosa. On the other hand carcinomas that have already invaded the submucosa should be treated surgically with lymphnode excision. The second factor to influence the choice of treatment is the size of the cancer(more than 5cm)and it's location such the as cardia, because in such cases endoscopical handling by EMR and ESD is difficult.
It is now considered that EMR and ESD is a standard therapy for early cancer instead of surgery, but the method should ultimately be chosen not by the paternalistic decision of the doctor alone, but with the informed consent of the patient.

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