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要旨 患者は68歳,女性.便潜血陽性の精密検査目的で行った大腸内視鏡検査で,右側結腸の粘膜色調異常を指摘された.その後も無症状であったが,5年半にわたって定期的に大腸内視鏡検査を行ったところ,暗青色調粘膜に加えて浮腫と静脈拡張が出現し,その程度が徐々に増強し,さらには発赤やびらんも伴ってきた.最終的に特発性腸間膜静脈硬化症と診断し,現在は保存的に経過観察中である.長期間に及ぶ自験例の内視鏡所見の推移を提示するとともに,本邦から報告された本症60例を加えて集計し,本症の臨床像を解析した.
A 68-year-old woman consulted an outpatient clinic in our hospital after a positive fecal occult blood test. Initial colonoscopy demonstrated an abnormal mucosal color of the right colon only. Since that time, she underwent periodic colonoscopies during the next 5 years and a half. The second colonoscopy revealed edematous, dark-blue mucosa with dilated capillaries. The third colonoscopy showed varices-like, dilated vessels in the right colon. The latest colonoscopy demonstrated hyperemia, dark-blue edematous mucosa, erosions, and a loss of normal vascular pattern. Based on these pathognomonic endoscopic features, histologic findings of the biopsy samples and calcification of the mesenteric vessels shown on abdominal CT, a diagnosis of idiopathic mesenteric phlebosclerosis was made.
Details of this case and a review of the literature reported from Japan are described in this article.
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