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要旨 52歳の男性にみられた食道異所性皮脂腺の1例を報告し文献的考察を加えた.自験例では健診目的の上部消化管内視鏡検査で,中部食道から下部食道に大小不同で黄白色調の小隆起が多発していた.小さなものは細顆粒状であり,大きなものは花弁状分葉を示す扁平隆起で内部に白色細顆粒状の隆起を伴っていた.生検病理組織学的所見では扁平上皮内に皮脂腺組織と同様の明るい胞体を有する細胞集塊を認めた.近年,内視鏡診断技術の向上に伴い報告例が増えており,食道異所性皮脂腺は必ずしもまれな疾患ではないと考えられる.
A case with ectopic sebaceous glands in the esophagus was reported with bibliographic considerations. A 52-year-old man underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for health screening. Multiple yellowish plaques sized one to several mm in diameter were observed in the middle and lower portion of the esophagus. Small sized lesions were fine-granular and larger ones had lobulated margins giving"flower-like"appearances. Histology of the biopsy specimens showed clusters of cells in the squamous cell epithelium. They had pale cytoplasm similar to those of sebaceous glands in the skin. Along with recent advance in endoscopic technology, reported cases of this disease are increasing. Under careful observation, this condition is considered to be not so rare.

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