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要旨 1994年にViningらによってCT colonographyが発表されて以来,欧米ではCT colonographyの有用性が数多く報告されてきた.しかし,前処置や検査時に被検者が強いられる苦痛,X線被曝など,いくつかの問題点がある.これらの問題点を改善する大腸スクリーニング法としてfecal tagging法を用いたdark lumen MR colonographyがWeishauptらによって報告された.本稿では,fecal tagging法を用いたdark lumen MR colonographyの有用性を自験例を交え報告した.また,近年画像診断法の進歩は急速であり,今後より高画質なvirtual MR colonographyが得られるようになると思われる.
The utility of CT colonography has been reported in Europe and America since CT colonography was introduced in 1994 by Vining. However, there are some problems, such as pretreatment, pain caused at examination, and radiation exposure. Dark lumen MR colonography, in which the fecal tagging method is used for large bowel screening, may help eliminate these problems, as is reported by Weishaupt. In this report, we include our own example and report the utility of dark lumen MR colonography using the fecal tagging method. In addition, in recent years progress has been made rapidly in imaging diagnostic method, and it is thought that high-resolution virtual MR colonography will soon be developed.

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