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要旨 ポリポーシス症候群は,消化管粘膜から腸管内腔内に突出した限局性隆起のポリープが多発した疾患群であり,その組織像と遺伝性の有無などにより分類されている.多くは胃や大腸に発生してくるが,小腸に発生することもまれではない.最近のカプセル内視鏡やダブルバルーン内視鏡の登場はこれらの疾患の診断のみではなく,治療方針の決定に非常に有用な検査であり,注目を集めている.特に遺伝性消化管ポリポーシスは,癌を好発するという特徴を有しており,臨床上極めて重要である.本稿では,他臓器病変を伴う各ポリポーシス症候群を中心に概説する.
Polyposis syndrome is the disease group in which polyps are frequently projected from the mucous membrane of digestive organs in the lumen of the digestive tract. It is classified by its structural image and hereditary presence. Most occur in the stomach and the large intestine, but it is not rare to find it in the small intestine.
Recent capsule endoscopy and double balloon endoscopy attract attention for being very useful not only for detecting them but also for deciding their treatment policy. In particular, hereditary polyposis syndrome has a strong tendency to develop into cancer, so is very important from clinical considerations. In this report, we focus on each polyposis syndrome group and the change occurring in other organs affected by them.

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