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Histopathological Refractory Factors in Inflammatory Bowel Disease―Investigation of the Resected Cases of Patients with Crohn's Disease Keisuke Ikeda 1 , Akinori Iwashita 1 , Seiji Haraoka 1 , Kaname Oshige 1 , Hiroshi Tanabe 1 , Atsuko Ota 1 , Nobuaki Nishimata 1 , Fumihito Hirai 2 , Yasuhiro Takaki 2 , Toshiyuki Matsui 2 1Department of Pathology, Chikushi Hospital, Fukuoka University, Chikushino, Japan 2Department of Gastroenterology, Chikushi Hospital, Fukuoka University, Chikushino, Japan Keyword: Crohn病 , 難治性要因 , 切除例 , 病理組織像 pp.1911-1920
Published Date 2007/12/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101246
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 Crohn's disease (CD) shows various intestinal lesions and complications, so treatment is difficult and may follow an intractable course. There are many reports of a clinical refractory factor. However, the histopathological refractory factors have not been made clear. The aim of the present study is to investigate characteristic pathologic factors of resected CD cases. Among 30 CD patients who had undergone initial resection, 20 patients needed reoperations, and the remaining 10 patients were followed up for more than five years. Histopathologically, granulomatous lymphangitis obliterans and myenteric plexitis were observed in a high percentage of the resected CD specimens. These are findings which could be of special significance when thinking about a refractory factor in Crohn's disease.

Copyright © 2007, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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