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要旨 食道粘膜癌の局所浸潤部におけるX線所見について,38例(T1a-LPM癌:17例,T1a-MM癌:17例,SM1癌:4例)を見直し検討した.その結果,31例(82%)は透亮像を呈して浸潤し,陰影斑のみによるものは7例(18%)と頻度が低かった.深達度別の透亮像の大きさは,T1a-LPM癌では1~3mmと4~6mmが半数ずつで,T1a-MM癌では2~8mmと様々であった.T1b-SM1癌の4例中3例は4~6mmであった.粘膜癌の局所浸潤部の診断には,X線の弱~中伸展像における透亮像に着目することが重要と考えられた.
The X-ray findings showing the locations of local infiltration of esophageal mucosal cancer in 38cases(T1a-LPM cancer : 17cases ; T1a-MM cancer : 17cases ; SM1 cancer : 4cases)were reviewed and examined. Infiltration with filling defect was observed in 31cases(81%), and only 7cases had images comprised only of blotchy shadows(18%). In T1a-LPM cancer, approximately 50% of filling defects were measured as 1-3mm and the remaining 50% were 4-6mm, while the size of the filling defects were from 2mm to 8mm in T1a-MM cancer. Three of the four cases of SM1 cancer had values between 4 and 6 mm. It is important to focus on the filling defects in X-ray images of slightly to moderately inflated esophagus for diagnosis of local infiltration of mucosal cancer.

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