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要旨 注腸X線検査に求められているのはルーチン検査の精度管理とその向上である.そのためには標準化は不可欠であるが,ようやくそれが明らかにされ“1cm以上の大腸癌を見逃さない検査を標準とする”と提唱された.良好な前処置法は必須の課題である.標準撮影体位や撮影枚数も明らかにされた.X線検査の有用性は何よりも偶発症が極めてまれであり,画像が客観的であること,部位の同定や腸管外の情報も得られ,画像評価が行える点であろう.今後はさらに1cm以下の大腸癌の描出に努める必要がある.
The standardization of routine barium enema (BE) study is mandatory for improving its diagnostic accuracy of colorectal tumors. Recently the way of BE examination enabling the detection of tumors 1cm or more in size is proposed as the standard one. For that purpose, the development of good bowel preparation is essential and the standardization of proper positioning of subjects and of effective X-ray filming are also important. However because of its low complication rate, the objectivity of the image and its capability of evaluating intra and extra bowel conditions, standardized BE study can be superior to colonoscopic study, so there is need to establish a standardized way to depict lesions smaller than 1 cm in diameter.

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