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要旨 自験外科切除胃粘膜内癌669例を用い,リンパ節転移陽性例の臨床病理学的および免疫組織化学的特徴の検討を行った.対象669例のうちリンパ節転移陽性例は14例(2.1%)で,女性,60歳以下の比較的若年者(p<0.05),腫瘍最大径が31mm以上の大きい病変(p<0.01),組織型が未分化型癌(p<0.05),分化型癌では混合型(p<0.05),肉眼型が陥凹型,潰瘍合併例〔UL(+)〕(p<0.01)に多く,また転移陽性胃粘膜内癌は全例胃型粘液形質を有し,そのうち未分化型癌では,全例明らかな2層構造やKi-67陽性増殖細胞の局在性はみられなかったことも注目すべき事項であった.病理組織学的事項とリンパ節転移の有無の検討では,①隆起型,平坦型でUL(-)なら組織型,大きさに関係なく転移を認めず,②大きさが10mm以下であるなら肉眼型,組織型,ULの有無に関係なく転移をみなかった.また,③胃癌治療ガイドラインでのEMRの適応条件である“2cm以下の分化型癌,陥凹型ならUL(-)”を満たす病変はリンパ節転移を認めず,これを支持できた.
We investigated 669 cases of intramucosal gastric carcinomas treated with surgical resection and evaluated the characteristics of lesions with lymph node metastasis, clinicopathologically.
The incidence of lymph node metastasis was 2.1% (14 cases) among 669 cases of intramucosal gastric carcinomas, and mucosal carcinomas with lymph node metastasis were characterized by : women, younger than 60 years old (p<0.05), large size (31mm≦) (p<0.01), undifferentiated-type (p<0.05), mixed-type in differentiated-type (p<0.05), depressed-type, and the presence of ulceration in the lesion (p<0.01). In addition, the mucin phenotypes of all lesions with lymph node metastasis are, immunohistochemically, gastric mucin phenotypes (12 lesions) or gastric predominant gastric and intestinal mucin phenotypes (2 lesions), and all undifferentiated-type gastric carcinomas with lymph node metastasis (9 lesions) show no double layer of MUC5AC/MUC6 and no Ki-67 localization in the carcinoma cells.
We examined the relationships between clinicopathological features of intramucosal gastric carcinomas, especially their macroscopic type, histological type, presence of ulceration in the lesion, and size. Intramucosal gastric carcinomas without lymph node metastasis were as follows : ( 1 ) Any size of protruded, elevated and flat type carcinomas without ulceration, ( 2 ) All macroscopic and histological types with or without ulceration less than 10mm in diameter, ( 3 ) Lesions indicated by guidelines for EMR, such as differentiated-type carcinomas less than 20mm in diameter, and depressed type lesions without ulceration.
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