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要旨 当センターにおける十二指腸カルチノイドの診断と治療を報告する.1997年5月~2003年9月に経験した十二指腸カルチノイド18例のうち,13例が粘膜下腫瘍様の隆起性病変,2例が乳頭腫大として内視鏡的に認識され,残る3例は他臓器癌に対する切除標本の組織学的検索で初めて診断された.内視鏡的に粘膜下腫瘍として認められた13例のうち8例が頂部に小さな陥凹を伴っていた.乳頭部の2例は乳頭腫大として認識されるにとどまり,内視鏡的に腫瘍とは診断できなかった.当センターでは古典的カルチノイドの診断を得たら,まず深達度と腫瘍径を検索し,治療方針を決定している.術前に診断を得た12例のうち4例が外科的切除,7例が内視鏡的切除術,1例が経過観察となった.
We report the current diagnosis and treatment of duodenal carcinoid tumors in our hospital and discusses it, based on the literature. From May, 1997 to September, 2003, we treated18cases, 13 of which were detected as a tumor resembling a submucosal tumor (SMT). Eight lesions were shown by endoscopy as SMT with a central depression. Six cases underwent surgery and8underwent endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), and1case is still under observation without any treatment. In determining therapeutic policy for duodenal carcinoid tumors, their histological findings, their depth and their depth of invasion must be taken into account. If the carcinoid tumors (classical type) are less than10mm in diameter and their depth is SM or shallower, we first carry out EMR.
1) Department of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo
2) Department of Pathology, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo
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