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要旨 1997年から2001年の間に生検によって胃腺腫と診断され,1年以上経過観察された150例177病変を対象に臨床病理学的所見およびその経過を評価し,胃腺腫の臨床的取り扱いについて検討した.経過中,最終的に癌と診断された病変は30病変(17%)であった.28例にEMRあるいは手術が施行され,その結果,深達度sm1の1例を除く27例がmの高分化型腺癌で,内視鏡治療(EMR)のみで根治可能な病変であった.組織学的には,全例低異型度高分化型腺癌であり,89%(25/28)において腺腫様の成分を伴っており,初回生検所見は,この腺腫様の部分と一致していたことより,これらは真の癌化よりは当初より癌であった可能性が高い.最終的に癌と診断された病変は,それ以外の病変に比し腫瘍径2cmを超える病変や,陥凹を有する病変,また高度異型腺腫が多く,これらは癌を示唆する危険因子と考えられた.危険因子を有さない胃腺腫は原則的に経過観察とし,癌が証明された時点でのEMRで対応可能と考えられた.
Treatment strategies for gastric adenoma have been widely discussed, but it is still difficult to decide when to initiate the treatment.
We analyzed 177 lesions in 150 cases with gastric adenoma diagnosed by specimen biopsy at the National Cancer Center Hospital, from 1997 to 2001. All cases were followed-up for more than one year. Among 177 adenomas, 30 lesions (17%) were developed adenocarcinomas, 28 lesions were treated by endoscopic mucosal resection or gastrectomy. All lesions except one case were intramucosal, well-differentiated adenocarcinomas with low-grade atypia. Almost all the lesions (89%) had adenoma-like components that corresponded to their histological findings at first biopsies. Among all the adenomas, the high-risk group for developing adenocarcinoma was characterized by the following endoscopic findings : a. size lager than 2 cm and b. a depressed type lesion.
In conclusion, we recommend endoscopic surveillance in gastric adenoma except in the high-risk group. In cases of adenocarcinoma originating from adenoma, the lesions can be cured by EMR.

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