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要旨 1993~2005年に当院で施行されたEMR1,785例中,経過観察中に発見され治療された,異時性多発癌43例111病変について検討した.二重癌27例,三重癌11例,四重癌4例,五重癌1例であった.発生時期は二重癌ではEMR後5年以内に81%で次の病変が発見されていた.三重,四・五重癌ではすべての病変が前の病変から6年以内に発見されていた.組織型は高分化型同士の組み合わせが,それぞれ67%,82%,80%にみられたが,高分化型と中分化,未分化型の組み合わせが18~33%にみられた.刷子縁陽性率は二重癌より,三重,四・五重癌の高分化型腺癌のみの症例に高くみられた.経過観察中に最終的に胃切除が施行された症例が5例あった.5例中3例は3~4cm大のIIa型であり,範囲診断が不明瞭であった.これらの症例は組織学的に高~中分化型腺癌で一部に未分化成分を持ち,免疫組織学的には胃型形質を持った早期胃癌であった.
We studied about 43 EMR cases including 111 lesions of multiple gastric cancer. We encountered 1,785 EMR cases between 1993 and 2005. Cancer occurred twice in 27 cases, 3 times in 11 cases, 4 times in 4 cases and 5 times in 1 case. We were able to find 2nd cancer within 5 years after first EMR in 81% of cases. Triple and more cancers were found within 6 years after the previous cancer. In 67%, 82% and 80% of the lesions the histological pattern was that of well differentiated adenocarcinoma. Multiple histological type lesions were found in 18~33%. Some lesions were well differentiated adenocarcinoma and other lesions were moderate to poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas. We found blush border in cases of 3, 4, and 5 times cancer. 5 cases were finally operated on after follow up EMR. All the operated cases showed the histology of either well-to moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma or partly poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Using immunohistochemical study, the cases had gastric type mucin.

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