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要旨 初診時AIDSと診断された患者のうち138例に症状に基づいて内視鏡検査を行った結果,20例に消化管病変を認めた.上部消化管の15例全例に食道病変を認め,12例はカンジダ,cytomegalovirus,herpes simplex virusの日和見感染病変(疑いを含む)であった.このうち2例は胃に悪性リンパ腫を伴っていた.大腸病変は6例で,5例はアメーバ性大腸炎であった.上部消化管症例のうち6例,大腸症例のうち1例は消化器症状で発症していた.悪性リンパ腫の2例が死亡した.AIDSの消化管病変は診断の契機となりうるだけでなく,治療方針や予後にも影響する重要な因子であり,内視鏡検査において常に念頭に置いておかねばならない.
Among 159 patients of AIDS, 34 patients underwent endoscopy due to GI symptoms, and 20 patients showed GI lesions. All the 15 patients who received upper GI endoscopy, had esophageal lesions. Esophagitis caused by opportunistic infection of Candida, CMV or HSV was suspected in 12 patients. Malignant lymphoma of the stomach was associated in 2 cases. In 5 of 6 patients with colonic lesions, amoebic colitis was diagnosed. GI symptoms were primary ones in 6 patients with UGI lesions and in one patient with a colon lesion. Two patients with malignant lymphoma died. GI lesions in AIDS patients are important not only for presenting a diagnostic opportunity but also for influencing therapeutic course and prognosis. Endoscopists have to be prepared routinely for GI lesions in AIDS patients.

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