

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Recent Advances in Molecular Alterations of Serrated Lesions and their Application to Clinicopathology Tamotsu Sugai 1 , Noriyuki Uesugi 1 , Masamichi Suzuki 1 1Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Southern Tohoku General Hospital, Kooriyama, Japan Keyword: 鋸歯状病変 , 分子異常 , SSL , TSA , SSLD , SuSA pp.145-157
Published Date 2025/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.053621800600020145
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 Colorectal serrated lesions are broadly classified into hyperplastic polyps(HP), traditional serrated adenomas(TSA), sessile serrated lesions(SSL), and SSL with dysplasia(SSLD). HP is further divided into two subtypes:the microvesicular variant, characterized by BRAF mutations, and the goblet cell-rich variant, associated with KRAS mutations. TSA is categorized into BRAF-type and KRAS-type based on differences in their precursor lesions. Although the histological features of these lesions have received limited attention, borderline, and early-stage cases merit further investigation. In the 2019 revision of the WHO classification, sessile serrated adenoma/polyp(SSAP)was renamed SSL. However, the term SSAP, as used in Japan, may not fully align with the definition of SSL. SSLD is further subclassified into two molecular phenotypes:microsatellite instability(MSI)type(75%)and microsatellite stable(MSS)type(25%). The MSI phenotype is characterized by MLH1 gene promoter methylation as the initiating abnormality, whereas the MSS phenotype is linked to TP53 mutations. Both phenotypes share common molecular features, including abnormalities in the Wnt signaling pathway and p16 inactivation. Recently, Sekine et al. identified a new lesion, superficial serrated adenoma(SuSA), which may be integrated into the existing classification system. SuSA is defined by proliferative activity limited to the intermediate part of the crypts and is strongly associated with KRAS mutations. Furthermore, the fusion gene PTPRK/RSPO3 is a defining feature of SuSA, with an occurrence rate of approximately 90%. Although the conceptual framework of serrated lesions has become increasingly clear, the identification of new entities highlights the dynamic and evolving nature of this field. Further research is needed to refine our understanding of these lesions.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


