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Sigmoid Colon Carcinoma with Submucosal Invasion Derived from a Superficially Serrated Adenoma-like Serrated Lesion, Report of a Case Yasuharu Kuwayama 1 , Eiji Harada 1 , Ayumi Yura 1 , Eiji Yamamoto 1 , Asuka Hori 1 , Moeka Takehara 1 , Kayo Imakura 1 , Shunsuke Ugai 1 , Masanori Takehara 1 , Shinichiro Tuji 1 , Michiko Nonogi 1 , Kazuhiro Kishi 1 , Koichi Sato 1 , Shunsuke Watanabe 2 , Takahiko Kasai 2 , Yoshiyuki Fujii 2 1Department of Gastroenterology, Tokushima Red Closs Hospital, Komatsushima, Japan 2Department of Pathology, Tokushima Red Closs Hospital, Komatsushima, Japan Keyword: SuSA , TSA , 大腸癌 , 鋸歯状病変 , 拡大内視鏡 pp.228-238
Published Date 2025/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.053621800600020228
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 The patient included in this study, a female in her 60s, visited our hospital with a positive fecal occult blood test. Colonoscopy results revealed the presence of a 0-IIa+Is lesion with a diameter of approximately 35mm in the sigmoid colon. The lesion had flat margins and the color tone was the same as that of the background mucosa. The interior of the lesion exhibited erythematous villous structures and a hard nodule. Based on the results of magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging, the flat and erythematous areas were diagnosed per the Japan NBI Expert Team(JNET)as JNET Type 2A and the hard nodule was diagnosed as JNET Type 2B. An elongated type II-like pit pattern, a type IV-like pit pattern with a serrated structure, and a VI-severe pit pattern were observed upon chromoendoscopy. This lesion was resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection. Histopathology results revealed the distribution of Ki-67-positive cells from the base of the crypts to the middle layer, thereby confirming the pathology of superficially serrated adenoma(SuSA). The erythematous area with serrated changes, some of which were tubular adenoma-like, was diagnosed as Traditional serrated adenoma(TSA), and the nodular area was diagnosed as adenocarcinoma equivalent to well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, with 6000μm invasion into the submucosal layer. The presence of Kirsten rat sarcoma virus(KRAS)mutations in both components detected through molecular analysis indicated a series of lesions ; however, no R-spondin(RSPO)fusion/overexpression was detected. This case is unique and has been reported here since a lesion considered to be a serrated lesion originated as a SuSA-like lesion and then developed into a TSA and partly into a tubular adenoma-like lesion that later developed into a carcinoma.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


