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要旨:本研究の目的はリハビリテーション職種の職務満足度と離職リスクとの関係について明らかにすることである.理学療法士職務満足度尺度(Physiotherapist Job Satisfaction Scale: PJS)を用いて調査した.理学療法士,作業療法士,言語聴覚士1,701名が本研究に参加し,1年後には167名の離職者が出た.職種間でPJS項目に有意差がみられた(p<0.05).また,PJSの「仕事に対する価値観」や「仕事内での挑戦」などの項目で有意な離職リスク比が算出され,各職種で異なる傾向がみられた.本研究は離職リスクには職種特異的な傾向があることを明らかにし,離職防止の一助となることが示唆された.
The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover rates among rehabilitation professionals. We utilized the Physiotherapist Job Satisfaction Scale (PJS) to assess job satisfaction. A total of 1,701 physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists participated in the study, with 167 individuals leaving their positions within a year. Significant differences were observed in PJS items among the different professions (p<0.05). Moreover, significant risk ratios for turnover were calculated for many PJS items such as “Sence of value for what you do” and “challenge in work” in PJS, showing different trends across professions (p<0.05). These results indicate that there are profession-specific trends in the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover risk, suggesting that understanding these trends can help prevent turnover.

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