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要旨:脳損傷後に自動車運転を中止した対象者4名に対して,運転中止後の外出頻度への要因を検討する目的で半構造化面接を行い,Steps for Coding and Theorization(SCAT)を用いて分析した.その結果,外出頻度への影響要因として,「外出の手段と目的」「人との関わりと地域環境」が抽出できた.一方で外出困難な場合には家庭内での役割や楽しみを再構築することにより,新たな生きがいを持って生活していることがわかった.このことから,自動車運転中止後の支援として代替手段の提案や役割や楽しみの再構築に対して個別的な介入を行うことや,外出支援につながる地域づくりへの取り組みも重要であると考えられた.
We conducted semi-structured interviews with four subjects who had stopped driving after brain injury to examine the factors affecting their frequency of going out after the cessation of driving and analyzed them using the Steps for Coding and Theorization (SCAT). As a result, “means and purpose of going out” and “relationship with people and local environment” were extracted as factors influencing the frequency of going out. On the other hand, when it was difficult for them to go out, they reconstructed their own roles and enjoyment in the home, which gave their lives a new sense of purpose. This suggests that it is important to provide support after the cessation of driving by proposing alternative means of transportation, providing individualized intervention to reconstruct roles and enjoyment, and encouraging the government to create communities and develop resources to support going out.

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