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A case of spontaneously regressed infantile myofibromatosis
Ohsawa, Risa1)Aoki, Natsuko1)Nakajima, Hideki1)Nakajima, Kimiko1)Takahashi, Aya2)Sano, Shigetoshi1) 1)Department of Dermatology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University 2)Department of Dermatology, National Hospital Organization Kochi Hospital
A 12-day-old girl presented with red tumor of about 20 mm in size with black-brown necrosis on her left thigh from birth. Histopathological findings of the lesion showed that tumor cell nest was in the dermis but not continuous to the epidermis, surrounding staghorn-like blood vessels, around which were proliferation of short spindle shaped cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed that tumor cells were positive for CD34 but negative for GLUT-1, CD31, which was expressed in intratumoral vessels. The diagnosis of infantile myofibromatosis was made. The tumor spontenously regressed in six months and left scar.
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