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・寝たきり状態の高齢者の臀部に,集簇性に多発する肉芽腫様結節を認めた. ・病変はおむつや下痢との接触が多い部分に一致していた. ・病理組織像では表皮の肥厚と真皮浅層での炎症細胞浸潤を認めたが,肉芽腫性変化は認めなかった. ・diaper area granuloma of the aged(DAGA)は患部の清潔保持のみにて略治する良性疾患である. (「症例のポイント」より)
A case of diaper area granuloma of the aged
Hirata, Yoshiko1)Yokouchi, Mariko2) 1)Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital 2)Department of Dermatology, Nerima General Hospital
Abstract Diaper area granuloma of the aged is a skin problem in the diaper contact area among elderly people. We report a case of an 84-year-old man with urinary catheter, presenting with cerebral infarction and a 2-month history of clusters of reddish and flat topped nodules on his genitocrural area. His histological examination of the nodules revealed parakeratosis, acanthosis, and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration, and vascular dilation in dermis. These conditions were caused directly by constant contacts to diapers with feces. The primary treatment and prevention would be to avoid any irritants and to keep the lesion clean.

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