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・本邦では自験例を含めて7例と比較的まれなtransverse nasal crease(TNC)を報告した.・TNCの病態形成機序として4つの説があるが,思春期の鼻軟骨の急激な成長と鼻をすすり上げるという物理的障害がもっとも関連していると考えられた.・本邦報告例が少ない要因として,鼻部の成長がモンゴロイドはコーカソイドに比し緩やかであることと,TNC自体が認知されていないことが推測される.(「症例のポイント」より)
A case of transverse nasal crease
Katayama, Hiroki1)Higashi, Naoyuki1)Ozawa, Masakuni2) 1)Department of Dermatology, Nippon Medical Tama Nagayama Hospital 2)Ozawa Dermatology Clinic
Abstract We reported a case of transverse nasal crease (TNC) in a Japanese girl aged 7 years with a history of vitiligo vulgaris and allergic rhinitis. TNC is an asymptomatic skin disease characterized by a fold or line located at the junction of the middle and lower third of the nose; it occurs in children aged approximately 10 years. Although TNC is seldom noticed in East Asia, including in Japan, we found that 85% of Japanese patients with TNC also had allergic rhinitis, which was also observed in our case. This clinical feature suggests that TNC may not only result from distortion in growth of nasal cartilages but also from repeated upward rubbing of the nose.

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