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・慢性リンパ球性白血病(chronic lymphocytic leukemia:CLL)/小リンパ球性リンパ腫(small lymphocytic lymphoma:SLL)に合併した毛包性ムチン沈着症(follicular mucinosis:FM)の1例を報告した. ・毛包脂腺内および毛包周囲にCD5陽性,CD23陽性のリンパ腫細胞の浸潤がみられ,リンパ節,骨髄中の腫瘍細胞の表面形質に一致していた. ・T細胞リンパ腫に限らずB細胞リンパ腫でも毛包周囲の病変が高度な場合はFMを生じうると考えられた. (「症例のポイント」より)
A case of follicular mucinosis associated with B cell lymphoma repeating fluctuation Miwa, Tasuku1)Saruta, Yusuke1)Sueki, Hirohiko1) 1)Department of Dermatology, Showa University School of Medicine Abstract An 83-year-old woman presented with 6-year history of erythema and papules on her face. Her medical history included chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. The skin lesions repeated remission and relapse. A biopsy was performed under the clinical diagnosis of follicular mucinosis. Histology revealed nodular infiltration of small lymphoid cells admixing eosinophils around dermal vessels and hair follicles showing reticular degeneration with mucin deposition. By immunohistochemistry, lymphoid cells expressed L26, CD5, CD23, but not Cyclin-D1. We diagnosed follicular mucinosis associated with skin infiltration of B cell lymphoma. The patient was treated with rituximab, and the skin lesions were quickly improved.
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