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Strategy for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer Kazumasa Nagai 1 , Takayoshi Tsuchiya 1 , Reina Tanaka 1 , Ryosuke Tonozuka 1 , Shuntaro Mukai 1 , Kenjiro Yamamoto 1 , Yukitoshi Matsunami 1 , Hiroyuki Kojima 1 , Hirohito Minami 1 , Kyoko Asano 1 , Atsushi Sofuni 1 , Takao Itoi 1 1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan Keyword: pancreatic cancer , strategy , EUS pp.710-716
Published Date 2024/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.24479/endo.0000001437
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 Pancreatic cancer, notorious for its poor prognosis, continues to see rising mortality rates in Japan. Improving outcomes hinges on early detection in high-risk individuals, allowing for timely diagnoses when surgical resection is possible. Key risk factors encompass lifestyle issues like diabetes and obesity, pancreatic diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN), cysts, and ductal dilation. Genetic factors, including a family history of pancreatic cancer and hereditary syndromes, also play a crucial role.

 The diagnostic approach emphasizes the use of multiple imaging modalities over time. However, current insurance policies do not cover regular imaging surveillance for high-risk groups. There is a strong expectation in the medical field that future research will validate the effectiveness of periodic surveillance in enhancing survival rates, leading to its inclusion in insured treatments for those at high risk. This shift towards regular monitoring represents a significant change in managing pancreatic cancer, focusing on early intervention to reduce its high morbidity and mortality.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0915-3217 東京医学社


