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日本骨代謝学会は,ステロイド性骨粗鬆症(GIO)の管理と治療ガイドラインを10年ぶりに改訂した。改訂ガイドラインは国内の GIOのコホートの解析により独自の骨折危険因子を抽出して,初めてスコア法を薬物療法開始の基準判定に導入した。すなわち,1,047例の解析により得られた骨折予測因子である既存骨折,年齢,ステロイド投与量(mg/日),腰椎骨密度をカテゴリー化しスコアを与えた。症例毎の骨折リスクを総スコアで評価し,スコア3以上であれば薬物療法の適応とした。薬物療法の推奨は,骨密度減少と骨折の抑制効果があり,かつ一次予防と二次予防の両者において有効性が確認されているアレンドロネートとリセドロネートが第1選択薬として推奨された。第1選択薬が使用できないあるいは効果不十分な時の代替え薬として,イバンドロネート,テリパラチド,活性型ビタミンD3 製剤を挙げた。
The Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research(JSBMR)has updated the Guidelines on the Management and Treatment of Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis(GIO)and has incorporated a new scoring method. In the updated guidelines, the JSBMR committee established an intervention threshold by analyzing five Japanese GIO cohorts from primary and secondary prevention studies and then by comprehensively assessing fracture risk using the scoring method. Age, GC dose, lumbar BMD, and prior fragility fractures were identified as factors predicting future fracture and the fracture risk for an individual can be calculated as the sum of the scores for each risk factor. The guidelines were updated on the basis of a score of 3 as the optimal cut-off score for pharmacological intervention. The medications recommended in the guidelines are limited to those approved for the treatment of osteoporosis in Japan. Among these agents, the committee comprehensively reviewed validity for both primary and secondary prevention and assessed the benefit for both BMD and fracture prevention based on the results of clinical studies. Both alendronate and risedronate are recommended as first-line treatment. Ibandronate,teriparatide, and active vitamin D3 derivatives are recommended as alternative option.