

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Bone and Stem Cells. Regulatory mechanism of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation to osteoblasts. Endo Itsuro 1 , Mastumoto Toshio 2 1Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Sciences,The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan. 2Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Sciences,The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan. pp.555-564
Published Date 2014/3/28
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/4201404093
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 Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to osteoblastic lineage cells is regulated positively by factors such as mechanical strain and parathyroid hormone, and is negatively regulated by factors including aging and glucocorticoids. Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays an important role in controlling the bifurcation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation between osteoblastic and adipocytic lineages. In this review, we overview the outline of the mechanism of action as well as interrelation of the actions of these factors in controlling osteoblast differentiation, with special reference to the role of interleukin-11 in these processes.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0917-5857 医薬ジャーナル社


