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遷延性術後痛(chronic postsurgical pain:CPSP)は手術全体の10-50%に発症し,そのうち2-10%は日常生活に支障を来す重度な痛みである1)。今回,局所麻酔下で左膝色素性母斑切除後のCPSPによる歩行障害が集学的治療で軽快した小児例を経験したので報告する。
Chronic postsurgical pain(CPSP)has been reported to occur after 10%-50% of all surgeries, and 2%-10% of the instances of CPSP are severe enough to interfere with the patients’ daily lives. Appropriate early intervention is particularly important in pediatric patients because CPSP has a significant impact on children’s physical and mental development during the growth process. We report the case details of a 14-year-old girl who walked with a gait disturbance due to CPSP after she underwent the removal of a pigmented nevus on her left knee under local anesthesia. The CPSP was relieved by multidisciplinary treatment with medication, psychotherapy, acupuncture, and exercise therapy.

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