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長期間の関節リウマチ(rheumatoid arthritis:RA)罹患歴のある70歳の女性に対し,右人工膝関節再置換術が予定された。頸部強直,下顎拘縮など,挿管困難を示唆する所見を認めたため,気道確保手段としてi-gelTMを選択した。麻酔導入後に数回i-gelTMの挿入を試み失敗したものの,AuraGainTMは一度で挿入できた。進行RA頸椎病変患者に対する気道確保手段としてシャフトが直線的なi-gelTMなどではなく,シャフトがあらかじめ90°に曲がっているAuraGainTMなどのほうが適切な可能性がある。
A 70-year-old woman with a 50-year history of rheumatoid arthritis(RA)was scheduled for revision right-knee arthroplasty. On physical examination, difficult intubation was anticipated due to ankylosis of the patient’s cervical spine and temporomandibular joint as well as her 1.8 cm mouth-opening maximum. We selected one of the commonly used second--generation supraglottic airway devices, i.e., the i-gelTM, to secure the patient’s airway during anesthesia because this device had been reported to be useful for patients with cervical immobilization. However, several attempts to insert the i-gel after the induction of general anesthesia were unsuccessful. We then changed to the AuraGainTM, another second-generation supraglottic airway device, which was inserted smoothly at the first attempt. This patient’s case indicates that the AuraGain is more suitable than the i-gel to secure the airway in advanced RA patients with cervical and mandibular ankylosis.

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