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症例は35歳,女性,妊娠34週に血圧管理目的で入院となり,精査で妊娠高血圧腎症(preeclampsia:PE)と診断された。妊娠37週に分娩後に大量出血を来し,HELLP症候群と診断され,術後は集中治療室(intensive care unit:ICU)に入室となった。ICU入室後に腎機能悪化を認め,術後早期に腎代替療法を導入し,術後14日後に大きな後遺症なく軽快退院に至った。
A 35-year-old female was admitted to our hospital for blood pressure control at 34 weeks of gestation and was diagnosed with preeclampsia. The patient suffered a massive postpartum hemorrhage at 37 weeks and underwent hemostasis under general anesthesia and sponge embolization. She was also diagnosed with Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelets(HELLP)syndrome, and was admitted to the intensive care unit(ICU). Her renal function deteriorated after admission to the ICU, and renal replacement therapy was introduced in the early postoperative period. The patient was discharged from the hospital 14 days after surgery without major sequelae.

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