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Pain Management with a Continuous Extra-pleural Intercostal Nerve Block after Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery:A Retrospective Cohort Analysis Yuko NISHIWAKI 1 , Hideya KATO 1 , Junko TAMURA 1 , Yui IKUTA 1 , Saeko HASHIMOTO 1 , Daishiro KATO 2 , Yoshinobu NAKAYAMA 3 , Yasufumi NAKAJIMA 4 1Department of Anesthesiology, Saiseikai Shiga Hospital 2Department of Thoracic Surgery, Saiseikai Shiga Hospital 3Department of Molecular, Cellular & Biochemical Sciences, CUNY School of Medicine, City College of New York 4Department of Anesthesiology, Kindai University Keyword: video-assisted thoracic surgery , continuous extra-pleural intercostal nerve block , thoracic epidural anesthesia pp.1121-1129
Published Date 2023/12/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/masui.2023120007
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 Background:Video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS)is a commonly performed thoracic surgical procedure. Postoperative VATS pain remains a challenging issue. We investigated whether a continuous extra-pleural intercostal nerve block(CEICNB)is useful and beneficial compared with continuous thoracic epidural anesthesia(CTEA)for postoperative VATS pain.

 Methods:We retrospectively analyzed the cases of 38 patients who received CTEA or CEICNB during VATS for lung cancer. The primary study outcomes were(i)the patients’ numerical rating scale(NRS)pain scores from the day of surgery to the third postoperative day and(ii)the frequency of hypotension in the 24 hr immediately after the VATS.

 Results:The NRS scores from the day of surgery to the third postoperative day were comparable between the CEICNB and CTEA groups. The frequency of hypotension at 24 hr postoperatively was significantly lower in the continuous CEICNB group.

 Conclusions:CEICNB was as effective as CTEA in the post-VATS management of pain, and it significantly prevented postoperative hypotension.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-4892 克誠堂出版


