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国際疾病分類改訂11版(International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision:ICD-11)1)の公開に合わせ,国際疼痛学会(International Association for the Study of Pain:IASP)は慢性疼痛の新たな定義と分類を示した。日本でも集学的診療指針として,慢性疼痛診療ガイドライン2)が提示された。
本論文では,慢性疼痛に汎用される解熱性鎮痛薬として,非ステロイド性抗炎症薬〔nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:NSAIDs;以下,従来型NSAIDsとシクロオキシゲナーゼ(cyclooxygenase:COX)-2選択的阻害薬を合わせNSAIDs〕とアセトアミノフェンを扱う。慢性疼痛診療ガイドラインおよび国内各種診療ガイドライン3)~13)における解熱性鎮痛薬の評価を紹介する。
With the revision of ICD-11, the definition and coping methods of chronic pain have been updated. In Japan, “Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Chronic Pain” has been published, which aims to incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain management. This section contains the evaluations of antipyretic analgesics(NSAIDs and acetaminophen)in this guideline as well as in the latest Japanese guidelines by various clinical departments.
Over the past 10 years, there has been a shift in the recognition of antipyretic analgesics. With regards to NSAIDs, not just gastrointestinal disorder but also cardiovascular and kidney disorders have become widely known. Because RCTs on the analgesic effects of acetaminophen are few, the degree of recommendation of APAP in various guidelines is not high as before.

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