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X線透視下で治療を行うinterventional radiology(以下,IVR)は近年目覚ましい進歩を遂げ,現在多くの疾患に対する1つの有効な治療法として普及している。しかし一方で,IVRによる放射線皮膚障害を生じる事例が散見されるようになった 1)。今回われわれは,IVRの1つである経皮的冠動脈形成術(percutaneous coronary intervention:以下,PCI)によって生じた右上腕の放射線皮膚障害の1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
We treated a patient with a radiation ulcer of the right upper arm that developed after the patient underwent a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The most common sites of radiation ulcer after PCI are the back and the scapula, but radiation ulcers may occur in a variety of sites with the development of interventional radiology in the future.
Patient is a 61-year-old male with untreated type 2 diabetes. Radiation ulcer appeared 13 months after undergoing PCI. The depth of the ulcer reached the muscle and was reconstructed with an anterolateral thigh free flap. At 5 months postoperatively, the patient is doing well.
Recognition of the potential occurrence of diverse forms of radiation ulcers with the progression of catheter therapy is imperative within the realm of multiple departments such as plastic surgery, cardiology, radiology, and orthopedics.
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