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Multiple-Injection ICG Fluorescent Lymphography Shinya Kitayama 1 , Kosuke Ooi 1 , Kaoru Izuhara 1 , Ryu Umeda 1 , Yuko Yamamoto 1 , Ayato Hayashi 1 , Jiro Maegawa 2 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Yokohama City University School of Medicine 2Fujisawa City Health and Medical Center pp.1020-1028
Published Date 2023/9/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/keisei.2023090007
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 ICG fluorescence lymphangiography is often used to identify lymphatic vessels during a lymphaticovenous anastomosis(LVA)procedure. However, the condition of the detected lymphatic vessels varies widely, and in some cases, a sufficient number of lymphatic vessels for anastomosis is not identified. For an efficient LVA, we have performed multiple-injection ICG lymphangiography in which ICG is injected into various areas of the affected limb. In the multiple-injection method, ICG is first injected into interdigital spaces, and ICG injections are administered one after another into the area where neither the linear pattern(LP)nor dermal backflow(DBF)has appeared, thereby mapping the lymphatics of the entire limb. In many cases, more lymphatic vessels appear than when ICG is injected only in the foot, allowing for a more efficient LVA.

 We investigated the LP appearance rate for lower extremities in which the LVA was performed using the multiple-injection method, and we observed that the LP appearance rate was significantly higher in the lower leg than in the thigh. In the lower leg, the LP appearance rate was significantly higher in the lateral region than in the medial region. A comparison by severity showed that the LP appearance rate in the medial region declined rapidly in the more-than-moderate severity cases, whereas it remained relatively high in the lateral region of the lower leg until severe disease. These results might reflect the characteristics of the lymphosome.

 In the diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema, it is important to understand the concept of the lymphosome and its characteristics. The multiple-injection method is useful for performing efficient LVAs, as its use identifies as many lymphatic vessels as possible.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-5228 克誠堂出版


