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イラストの利点は,言葉をいくら紡いでも伝えられない情報量を瞬時に伝えることができることにある。特に医学の領域においては,解剖,病態,そして手術手技などの複雑な概念を簡潔かつわかりやすく明示できる 1)。
そんななか,昨今のタブレット端末の進化はめざましく,殊にApple社のiPad,Apple Pencilの組み合わせは絵に馴染みのない人にとっても簡便にデジタルイラストレーションを作成できるツールである。手術記録および学会発表のイラスト作成に用いているが,必要十分な機能を持ち合わせていると感じられたし,実際,ほかの医師にイラストの作成方法を尋ねられることも多くなってきた。
Illustrations are very valuable for demonstrating complicated surgical procedures to others, and the acquisition of illustration skills would be beneficial to most plastic surgeons. The creation of medical illustrations has been considered rather difficult, but the current availability of iPads and Apple Pencil has made making medical illustrations easier than ever. This article briefly shows how to use these devices.
Some basic strategies of illustration-making are also discussed, and ʻsimplicityʼ can be considered the most important principle in depicting scientific material. Only two types of lines should be used: bold lines with smooth curves are suitable for outlining objects, and thin, hand-drawn curves are suitable for details and textures. A limited number of colors should be used, because choosing the optimal one itself requires skill. In most cases, the use of some tints or a few pale colors would be sufficient to emphasize the illustrationʼs meaning.
Concerning the planning of illustration, we should always reflect on the perspective first: two-dimensional or three-dimensional; vertical, horizontal, or sagittal; and front, rear, lateral, or oblique. Each of these has its pros and cons, and the best perspective must be identified. The information in the illustration should also be considered. Omitting pointless objects can help to clarify the illustrationʼs meaning, making it more intelligible.
This article summarizes fundamental ideas and approaches in the creation of medical illustrations, the knowledge of which could help all surgeons.

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